For February the 2nd its 79 degrees out. So what do we do? Cook!

Our Families Thoughts on Everything
For February the 2nd its 79 degrees out. So what do we do? Cook!
“Change the way you look at things, and the things you look at will change.”
― Wayne W. Dyer
To all my Family and Friends Happy New Year. I hope that everyone has a peaceful and prosperous new year. Peaceful and prosperous is relative to your situation. Be thankful for what you have and the people you value and love in your life. Try and be a positive force in your life and the lives of others. We all know what is good and bad for us.
May the Lord bless us and keep us in his thoughts this Season. I hope everyone has a Merry Christmas and a happy new year.
Jo and I were walking this afternoon. 2.89 miles and its about 72 degrees. It took about 1 hour.
Thanksgiving is a few days away and I was wondering how many Americans sit back and think about just how many thing there are to be thankful for. I am thankful for my life my family my health such as it is. Americans are blessed with the greatest opportunity in the world. No other country comes close to us. I am greatful to be an Amerian and given the life I have here.
I am off all week and enjoying it.
How has technology changed your life? Well that really depends on how old you are. For someone that has grown up in the last twenty years its not so much. But for someone older that can remember a time before cell phones quit a bit.
My father was born in 1935 and he past in 2017. He didn’t have a email account or a computer even. There was one in the house but he couldn’t even turn it on and log in. I was born in 1957 and my first computer I bought was in 1995. I have slowly worked my way up to IT manager for my company and have seen the advancement and rolls the technology has had in the world. Well my world which is pretty limited compared to the rest of the world.
Continue reading “Tech in Your Life”Every life lost due to a shooting, any shooting is tragic. But why go after the right to defend yourself. Why is the left so intent on taking away the vast majority of law abiding citizens 2A rights? There are many many more deaths that are commited each year than those by guns. Drug overdose, medical malpractice, car accidents to name a few. I won’t even get into abortion. But why is the gun violence so more front and center and so much more publicity by the MSM and our Democratic law makers? Well if you were to listen to the People running for President on the Dem side and sadly on Republican side you would know. Its a inch by inch regulation by regulation chip by chip infringement of yours and mine 2A Freedom. Until it gets to the point that they say you know what you don’t need a gun anymore you need to turn them in.
My son made the National Honor Society this year. One hundred and thirty two people made the freshman years list out of about eight hundred. His mom and I are really proud of him
The first day of fall here in central Texas. Its around 50 degrees at 9 am and we have had about 3/4 of a inch of rain today. I have been waiting for this for a few weeks now.