To all those that served and to those that died for their Country.
Thank You!
Remembering my family members.
Our Families Thoughts on Everything
To all those that served and to those that died for their Country.
Thank You!
Remembering my family members.
Coldest winter in my 33 years of living in Texas. Below freezing for 5 days straight and 2 nights in the single digits. Millions of homes without power and a lot without water. I had a pipe between the walls under the sink burst. Took the whole day to fix it. I’ve had the wood burning stove going for 5 days.
First snow of 2021. We don’t see many snow days in Central Texas..
Well the election has turned into a legal battle. Both have claimed victory but Biden has the lead although not by any margin. Trump is claiming that there was a vote dump by a hundred thousand plus ballets that went 100% to Biden. That’s just not possible. So we may be in for a hand recount. We’ll have to wait and see.
Robin Smith · Sep. 7, 2020
An elderly gent in California made a comment that sadly captures the mood in the nation’s biggest state: “In California these days, you can’t tell whether mask wearers are fighting the virus, the smoke, or the police.”
In the Golden State, once the destination of men and women looking to achieve the American Dream, the opportunity for fame and fortune has been replaced by high taxes and a diminishing quality of life. According to Rich States, Poor States, a “comprehensive report that ranks the economic competitiveness of states using 15 equally weighted policy variables” published by economists Arthur Laffer and Stephen Moore, California has long been on the wrong path for economic success, and its troubles are growing in the midst of this COVID crisis.
California rates as the worst state for its burdensome “progressive” personal income tax, its bottom 10 corporate tax, and its massive regulatory load (including laws hostile to right to work along with the incredible environmental red tape that has led to massive wildfires). The combination means the Golden State is a tarnished counterfeit of its previous self.
Continue reading “California’s Demise:”Average person without wearing a mask or social distancing 1 in 3,836 chance of getting infected
Average Persons between 50 – 64 years old 1 in 852,000 chance of being hostpitalized
Risk of dying in car crash 1 in 114
But look at the Democratic Cities that are still enforcing lockdowns. Look at what they are doing to the people and businesses trying to survive. These are the same cities that will ask the federal government for bailouts because they kept their cities locked down.