It seems like some governors want to have their own little fiefdoms. Treat their people like serfs. Did they not read the United States Constitution that they swore to when taking office? Or do they not do that anymore. I hope the people of those states vote them out before they do more damage to their people, state and country. Don’t ever forget they work for us not the other way around.
Do You Think Your Safe From Your Government?
Deep-State networks, designed by a series of ruling-class presidents, enabled Barack Obama, a Democrat and a sitting US President, to attempt to conduct a coup d’état against a duly-elected presidential successor by using the power of the presidency, the tools of the nation’s intelligence community, and the coercive misapplication of law enforcement by the FBI to seditiously empower their own neo-socialist political faction.
Co-conspirators in the coup were the ruling-class political elite of both parties, the entrenched, long-service, federally employed, bureaucrats, and the media. All of them are now fighting as hard as they can to mischaracterize the obvious truth in order to avoid exposing their own complicity in the coup-overthrow of the people’s constitutional selection of Donald Trump as their president.
If Trump, his family, his friends, and his cabinet were not as strong as they are; physically, emotionally, and morally strong, if they were not as resilient, and yes, rich, they all would have been vaporized long ago under the relentless barrage by the seditious, self-serving, leftist cabal of 14-term politicians, deep-state operatives, and propagandist media.
The damage to our 230-year-old republic will persist for decades, maybe forever, regardless of which party future presidents belong to….still, the seditious Democrats and their treacherous cohorts will continue trying to reverse the will of 63 million Americans who voted for Trump. This is unacceptable.
MSM Leading The U.S. To Socialism
The US will need to spend trillions more as economy takes until 2022 to fully recover: CNBC survey. The House under Pelosi is already talking about universal basic income. Can people not see that they are pushing socialism?
A Fox News report is claiming the Democratic party thinks they have a shot at regaining the majority in the Senate. We have 23 republican seats up for reelection. But only a six seat lead. Twelve seats are Democratic held up for reelection. I would like to see those go to Republicans.
You would think with the way the Democrats and Socialist in their party have be acting the last three years. We would have a whole lot of Democratic seats flipped.
Time will tell so in November get out and vote.
Teach your children well
There was a woman arrested on April 22nd, 2020 in Meridian Idaho for allowing her children to play in the local park. Sara Brady, 40, was arrested and charged with one count of misdemeanor trespassing. She was handcuffed in front of her children and taken to jail. Maybe her intent was to protest the parks closure due to the Covid-19 crisis, or perhaps that was her home-school civics class. We may only imagine that they were studying the founding of the US, and the onerous restrictions the British were placing on the colonists. It was Benjamin Franklin, (one of the founding fathers of the America as we used to know it), who stated “Those who would give up essential liberty, to purchase a little temporary safety, deserve neither liberty nor safety. Benjamin Franklin (1706-1790)” Whatever the reason for that family to be in that park on that day, we submit is irrelevant. It was a public park that would have been open during “normal” hours, and we would defend her right to be there with her children before any court whether or not we agreed with her reason for being there in the first place.
Constant Criticisms
Some things are so very difficult to accomplish, that so few have ever tried… and even fewer have ever succeeded. Batting 300 for a season, throwing a perfect game, driving in the Daytona 500 and then winning, bowling a 300 game, scoring a perfect 10 on the high bars, winning a gold medal in ANY Olympic event, competing in a Superbowl at all, much less throwing the winning touchdown with 30 seconds left to play. We get it. We get how difficult it actually is do these very things, and so many more, yet we sit back in our comfortable arm chairs, recline in our Lazy-boy rocker, or even in mid-day have yet to get off the couch while watching TV… and criticize the actions of these very players/participants that are striving to achieve excellence in all these events day in and day out. OH YEAH we could have done that or we could do it better, they are not trying hard enough, they have lost all concentration, or any litany of other excuses we can think of for someone not able to achieve our own estimation of perfection. Listen, we get how easy it is to sit back and criticize someone who is attempting to do something. Something that we could never in our own wildest imagination accomplish on our own, yet we know exactly how someone else should do it and then exactly why they failed when they do not succeed. So easy a baby could have done it.. yet you never see babies run for 2,000 Yds., or throw for over 5,200 Yds. in a season.
The Great Government Giveaway
This month the U.S. government has handed out almost three trillion dollars to the people and businesses. All because of a pandemic that is turning out to be no worst than the seasonal flu.
Yes it is spreading across the world fast. But as of today April 25 2020 there have been 2,822,003 confirmed cases and 197,578 deaths world wide. I fully expect that there are tens of millions of people that have it and are A-systematic. They have it but don’t show any symptoms. More studies are showing that testing for the antibodies in the blood show many more people have been infected but not developed any symptoms.
But the knee jerk reaction of the the governments of the world has been to shut down the economies of their countries and lock up the populations to keep it from spreading.
Being as this is a new corona-virus no country had a reliable test to detect it. The world has had to ramp up and develop testing and search for and start producing vaccines for a new virus. Not something that happens in a few months.
As time goes on and a few months from now I feel that it will be shown, that the infection rate was way more, than what we know at this time . Also that the deaths anticipated was way overblown. We are already seeing that in some of the more populated cites. Its true some of the countries and larger cities are seeing a large death count but it seems like they are a largely proportionate of people with other underlying conditions.
Time will tell if my observations are accurate but going on three months now in the U.S. it looks pretty obvious. If we had not shut down the economy and not spent 3 trillion dollars we would be in a lot better shape as a country. Because when all is said and done, everyone will be infected at some point. It will affect those that are elderly and with preexisting condition the most. But we have learned that isolating those people and social distancing is one of the best ways to slow it down. It won’t stop it so keep people working, keep the economy going. People are not going to keep themselves inside anyway. At some point we will all have cought it and have developed antibodies.
Like the saying goes. Those who give up their freedom for a bit of temporary safety deserve neither.
Do You Worry About The Coronavirus?
Sixty Two and still working everyday I wonder just how susceptible I am to getting the virus. I work from home a lot but find myself going into work two, three and sometimes four times a week. I have stopped for gas, to pick up lunch for the family and at times a trip to Wal-Mart. There are not that many cases in our county. But there are some. I am for the most part pretty healthy and my wife and I walk often.
I am more worried about the economy than picking up the virus. I feel that at some point we are all going to get it anyway. Yeah there are a lot of boomers out there that would be hit pretty hard but there are also a lot of others that have problems that would make it hard on them. The problem is though that its already out there and there is no putting the genie back in that bottle.
Our only hope to keep the death rate down is how soon can they come up with a cure? A vaccine would help but as with the flu, its a toss up as to whether it will be effective or not. Some are saying that if you have had it you would be immune to getting it again. Then there are those that have come down with it a second time. There is so much about it that we are still finding out.
The one thing we do know is that we can’t keep paying people to stay home.
How the Virus Affects Me
We first became aware of the Caronavirus around the end of January. It was something that was going on in China and we didn’t pay it to much attention. Not soon after the first reports we started hearing that doctors in China were posting that it was serious and spreading. President Trump suddenly put a travel ban on people coming from China.
People started taking a little more notice at that time. But still a lot of people didn’t. Even a lot of Governors and mayors told people not to worry about it to much. But now at the first of April most of the country is stay at home. Don’t go out unless you need to.
There was the run on the grocery stores and soon they had empty shelves. This lasted for about three weeks. But now it seems to be slowing down and when the people saw that the trucks were going to keep running they have stopped hoarding so much.
Continue reading “How the Virus Affects Me”Compare and remember we can vaccinate for the Flu
Table 1: Estimated Influenza Disease Burden, by Season — United States, 2010-11 through 2018-19 Influenza Seasons.
Go to for further data listings. Flu Season Death Estimates – All Ages
2010-2011: 36,656
2011-2012: 12,447
2012-2013: 42,570
2013-2014: 37,930
2014-2015: 51,376
2015-2016: 22,705
2016-2017: 38,230
2017-2018* 61,099
2018-2019: 34,157
CDC estimates* that, from October 1, 2019, through March 14, 2020, there have been: 38,000,000 – 54,000,000 flu illnesses
17,000,000 – 25,000,000 flu medical visits
390,000 – 710,000 flu hospitalizations
23,000 – 59,000 flu deaths
*Because influenza surveillance does not capture all cases of flu that occur in the U.S., CDC provides these estimated ranges to better reflect the larger burden of influenza. These estimates are calculated based on CDC’s weekly influenza surveillance data and are preliminary.
2020 Vacation
We went to Red River New Mexico for a few days of skiing. My wife and son love to ski but for me not so much. It seems we try to make the trip somewhere to ski almost every spring break. I mostly staying at the cabin and worked. I can remote in and work almost from anywhere.