Last night after seeing the mockery of the Last Supper and of my Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, I decided to fight the Devil by singing this song out loud. “ Our God is an awesome God”God always wins over evil! Let the Devil hear your voice! I did!
— Trump Girl (@TrumpGirlLove) July 27, 2024
God is Great!…
Seniors who did this were 23% less likely to end up in a nursing home, new study says
Story by Brett Arends
Who knew getting a good night’s sleep each night was this important?
Poor sleep quality turns out to be the one of the biggest risk factors for ending up in a nursing home, according to new research conducted among over 125,000 senior citizens in Australia.
Those who got a good night’s sleep — defined as between seven and nine hours a night — were 23% less likely to end up in a nursing home than those who got fewer than five hours’ sleep or those who slept for 11 or more hours a night.
Continue reading “Seniors who did this were 23% less likely to end up in a nursing home, new study says”Why do we move slower the older we get? New study delivers answers
Story by Daniel Strain
It’s one of the inescapable realities of aging: The older we get, the slower we tend to move—whether we’re walking around the block or just reaching for the remote control.
A new study led by University of Colorado Boulder engineers helps explain why.
The research is one of the first studies to experimentally tease apart the competing reasons why people over age 65 might not be as quick on their feet as they used to be. The group reported that older adults may move slower, at least in part, because it costs them more energy than younger people—perhaps not too shocking for anyone who’s woken up tired the morning after an active day.
The findings could one day give doctors new tools for diagnosing a range of illnesses, including Parkinson’s disease, multiple sclerosis, and even depression and schizophrenia, said study co-author Alaa Ahmed.
Continue reading “Why do we move slower the older we get? New study delivers answers”Low water levels at Lake Belton concerning for wildlife, potential silver lining for community.
Story by Meredith Haas
Rain here and there is not going to cut it for Lake Belton.
The water levels at the lake currently sit around 19 ft. below where they should be at.
The low lake levels have a potentially negative impact on the local wildlife and their habitat.
“The main affect is fewer resources in general,” Inland Fisheries Biologist for Texas Parks and Wildlife Michael Baird said.
Continue reading “Low water levels at Lake Belton concerning for wildlife, potential silver lining for community.”Vivek Ramaswamy and Dr. Kevin Roberts Speak at Moms for Liberty National Summit
Vivek Ramaswamy Unveils Administrative State Policy Rollout & Town Hall in New Hampshire
Vivek Ramaswamy: The Full Interview on Wokeness, Free Speech, destructive ESG & the Climate Cult.
If Your Wondering Who To Consider For President 2024
Don Wood
What everyone should consider in voting for the next president. Whoever you should vote for, consider how will they change how you live, how you work and how you express your freedoms.
Who are out there on the campaign trail telling you how they feel about what is going on today in our country. Then who is just sitting on the sidelines taking in the donations. Are they giving you, what you think, is the truth in what they say. Or are they just hitting the hot topics and news of the day.
Trump Holds Rally In South Carolina
By Janice Hisle
PICKENS, S.C.—This tiny city of about 3,000 people burgeoned to more than ten times that size as throngs welcomed former President Donald Trump to a pre-July 4 celebration—possibly a once-in-a-lifetime event for residents.
The city’s Police Chief Randall Beach said that estimates of the crowd put the number of supporters who showed up to hear Trump speak at his first rally since being federally indicted in Florida at around 50,000.
Trump, in the July 1 speech, spent several minutes dissecting that case. He also promised to protect citizens’ freedom and the American way of life that they cherish.
Continue reading “Trump Holds Rally In South Carolina”Dr Jordan B Peterson Interview With Robert Kennedy Jr.
By Don Wood
Will Biden have any debates with the people running against him in the primaries? If he does like he did in the last election he will run his campaign from his basement.