VP Mike Pence on Social Security: “Everything Has to Be on the Table”.
This article describes what is wrong with our government. At it’s core our government is giving its power up to the President, judges, special interest groups and government agencies so they don’t have to make the choices needed to keep our country running. The President shouldn’t have to use Excitative Orders to get things done unless its an extreme emergency. Judges should not have the option of interpreting the law, but ruling based on what the law says as written. Government agencies should write up drafts for the houses to pass into law.
Our Government for the last thirty years has passed the Social Security problem to the next term of Congress. Its finally caught up to them and they are still trying to pass it on because they are too afraid of losing their office. I would think the American people could see through their charade and vote them out. At the very least tell them to do their job or they will be voted out.
Its not going to be easy and every single age group is going to have to be affected. It may not be fair to some but as the older population is the most to blame they should bear the brunt of the pain. The younger generation in their forties or younger, will need to plan on working longer as they will live longer than those in their sixties or older. Those in their forties and older need to plan for a reduced amount in their payouts. They may need to look at working longer than they want to also.
For those that are young keep in mind that you may not even have social security to fall back on if our government doesn’t fix it soon. But there are other avenues to look to for a retirement plan. But it will take discipline on their part to reach their goal.